Nitza Spiro Hebrew Studies

Registered Charity No 1070926


We are delighted to introduce to our friends and followers our new intern, Khatuna, who will stay with us for a few months and deepen her knowledge about Jewish history and culture.
It is an ironic story that when she first approached us we were sure that she was Jewish (not that it matters). Her name and her chosen topic for her M.A thesis had led us to this conclusion.

When she arrived we realized that assumptions, as logical as they might be, could also be totally misleading.

We have to say in this case, that the bargain we got with Khatuna is even better than anticipated.

We will leave her to write a blog on a weekly basis which will introduce you to her rich and interesting background and her passion for Jewish topics.

Here is her first Blog:

My first name is Khatuna which means wedding in Hebrew and a goddess in the Kurdish language.

Yes, Kurdish I am. Maybe you have already heard about Kurdish people especially in recent news.

Part of me is Kurdish and another part is Yazidi!

The Yezidim have recently become well known for their being persecuted and physically attacked as a hated minority in the world of Islam and specifically by ISIS.

I was born in Tiflis (Tbilisi) the capital city of Georgia.
Jews in Georgia trace their origins to the era of the Babylonian captivity, making them one of the most ancient diaspora communities.
In 1970 there were 80,000 Jews living in Georgia but in the beginning of the 21st century only 13,000 were left.
They migrated to Israel and to other countries. My family home, as a child, was very close to many Jewish homes which made me aware of my Jewish neighbours and their way of life.
It was a very cosmopolitan area Would you believe it ?!
My father spoke a little bit Yiddish which he learned from our neighbours.

Till next week!
