Nitza Spiro Hebrew Studies

Registered Charity No 1070926


Online or 0207 794 4655

What human being is not struggling within themselves with basic questions relating to our lives.  We at the Spiro Ark, who are renowned for providing unique programmes which help people find their identity, feel that within the framework of finding one’s identity there are many existential questions with which we grapple and often feel that we need to discuss with friends and perhaps professional people as well, to come to some deeper understanding that:
     a.    We are not the only ones who have queries and doubts
     b.    There might be a key to some answers provided by a group and by some more professional leaders
We have decided to start off with three such sessions  – 15th October, 12th November and 3rd December 2017.  All of these sessions will take place at the Shtiebel, 10a Canfield Gardens, London NW6 3JS with a glass of wine and some refreshments, which hopefully will set the scene to be relaxed and welcoming.
The leaders of these conversations will be :  Judith Shaerf MA HONS, Bed (Cantab) has a background in teaching nursing and business.  For the past 20 years she has practised as a psychotherapist working with adults, couples and families.  She works closely with Dr Eduardo Pitchon, Social Psychologist and a Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist with a special interest in ethnic minorities, violence, deprivation in society and children.  

15th October 2017:   Forgiveness is enlightened self-interest
Since this period on the Jewish calendar is dealing with the question of forgiveness, we felt it was appropriate to look at this topic which can serve as a powerful healing and restore emotional balance, acknowledging the difficulty in that process.  
12th November 2017:  Is true happiness possible? – The $64,000 question?
Again, a question from which no one escapes throughout our lives, and perhaps as a guided group and under the influence of alcohol (in moderation) we will be able to come up with some conclusions.
3rd December 2017: Is there purpose and meaning to our existence?
Together with you we will look at different approaches to the question exploring it from a psycho spiritual range.

Start Time
07:30 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2017
Finish Time
09:30 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2017
The Shtiebel, 10a Canfield Gardens, London NW6 3JS