Nitza Spiro Hebrew Studies

Registered Charity No 1070926

Is it OK to Laugh About it? Holocaust Humour, Satire and Parody in Israeli Culture with Dr Liat Steir-Livny

Contact: 0207 794 4655

Dr Liat Steir-Livny discusses the intriguing, sensitive and complex issues surrounding Holocaust humour, satire and parody in her new and comprehensive book. For many years Israeli culture has recoiled from dealing with the Holocaust from a humorous or satirical perspective. The perception was that a humorous approach might threaten the sanctity of its memory, or evoke feelings of disrespect towards the subject and hurt Holocaust survivors’ feelings. But, from the 1990s, a new unofficial path of commemoration has been taking shape in tandem.

This book claims that in Israel, a unique, post-traumatic society, where the trauma lives as an integral part of the present, Holocaust humour in Israel functions as an important defense mechanism. This book is the first comprehensive research of contemporary Holocaust humour in Israel. The innovative and intriguing analysis challenges the borders of Holocaust research and commemoration.

Venue: HGSS, Norrice Lea, N2 0RE.